TN / 931-967-3595 • AL / 256-285-4895
Have you ever considered purchasing a fireplace or wood stove? There’s no better time than the holiday season to make this investment! Once installed, your family can enjoy the warmth and festive atmosphere all season long. You’ll fall in love with your new, cozy aesthetic in a heartbeat. A-1 Chimney Specialist is here for you... Read more
Creosote is a nasty substance and, as a fireplace owner, you’ve probably heard your sweep mention it more than a few times. Most homeowners know that regularly removing creosote is important, but few know the actual reasons behind this necessary maintenance. At A-1 Chimney Specialist, we are all about keeping our customers educated and informed.... Read more
If you own a chimney, you’ve probably heard time and time again that annual inspections are an extremely important part of your regular maintenance. The CSIA says so, as well as pretty much every chimney company throughout the country! There’s obviously a reason why so many support these yearly chimney inspections, but why are they... Read more
If you own a fireplace, then you know that they significantly enhance the ambiance of a home. You simply can’t beat cozy nights curled up by a fire with loved ones… They set the mood for any occasion, and there’s no doubt that they make holiday parties more festive than ever! On top of all... Read more
Are you looking for a good way to learn about fireplace maintenance and spread the word about fire safety? Well, we have great news for you! National Fire Prevention Week is coming up! That’s right – from Oct. 8th to Oct. 14 you can take advantage of countless opportunities to educate yourself, your family, and... Read more