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Are you looking for a good way to learn about fireplace maintenance and spread the word about fire safety? Well, we have great news for you! National Fire Prevention Week is coming up! That’s right – from Oct. 8th to Oct. 14 you can take advantage of countless opportunities to educate yourself, your family, and... Read more
Rainy weather can really put a damper on your week. Outdoor activities get canceled, water puddles show up everywhere, everything gets muddy, and you may start experiencing leaks throughout your home. If rainwater has been causing problems in and around your chimney, then it’s time you invest in repairs and find solutions that will help... Read more
When most people think of a fireplace, they think of a big, sturdy brick structure that is built into one’s home. These are known as masonry fireplaces and they add a timeless look and pleasing aesthetic to homes everywhere. Yet, if you’re thinking of putting a new fireplace system in your home, masonry options may... Read more
If you’ve built fires in the past, you may have heard that it’s best to use only seasoned firewood. Many have been told this fact, but know little about why it is recommended. Well, wood naturally contains a good amount of water. If you use fresh wood, your fire will have to burn through all... Read more
The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) is a non-profit organization with a mission to spread awareness on the importance of regular fireplace and chimney maintenance. That’s why this organization works so hard to train, certify, and continuously educate sweeps all across the country! The CSIA is nationally recognized and holds the standard as far... Read more