TN / 931-967-3595 • AL / 256-285-4895
Have you ever considered purchasing a fireplace or wood stove? There’s no better time than the holiday season to make this investment! Once installed, your family can enjoy the warmth and festive atmosphere all season long. You’ll fall in love with your new, cozy aesthetic in a heartbeat.
A-1 Chimney Specialist is here for you this winter, and our CSIA certified staff can handle all of your chimney and fireplace needs. If you are ready to have a fireplace installed in your home, give us a call, and we can set you up right! We’ve been serving the area for 19 years and counting… We’ve helped your friends and neighbors, and we can’t wait to help you out, too!
As a homeowner, it’s important to know which jobs around the house you can take on yourself and which you should leave to a professional. When it comes to fireplace installation, you definitely want to trust an expert! It’s vital that all parts are able to work together cohesively and, if they don’t, you’re going to face some serious risks.
One issue that may arise is bad airflow. When fumes can’t properly vent, you put loved ones at risk of inhaling toxins that will negatively affect their health. For example, carbon monoxide has been known to leak when things are not installed correctly. This colorless, odorless gas is extremely detrimental to one’s health and has been known to be fatal. It’s definitely not worth taking any chances… trust an expert from the start, so loved ones stay safer this holiday season.
Another issue is less efficiency. When you make an investment like this, you want it to work well. Improper installation leads to less heat output and you’ll likely face more struggles down the line. Fireplaces are all about relaxing and soaking up some quality time with friends and family. That’s not easy to do when smokes pouring out into your living room and your fires aren’t staying lit! We can ensure that doesn’t happen… call our CSIA certified staff now!
Putting a fireplace together takes time, patience, and know-how. There are a lot of intricate parts and steps involved, and one minor mishap can lead to a lot of expensive repairs down the line. It’s always your best bet to rely on a CSIA certified professional to get the job done right from the beginning. You’ll be able to enjoy your hearth to the fullest this holiday season, and you’ll gain the peace of mind you deserve, knowing your family is as safe as possible.
The staff at A-1 Chimney Specialist has the training and qualifications necessary for getting the job done right! Trust in our expert staff today – pick up the phone now!