Serving Southern Middle Tennessee & Tennessee Valley

Experts In Chimney & Fireplace Service

How Tall Should A Chimney Be?  

It’s all about airflow. Whether you have a fireplace or a pellet stove. If you have the wrong airflow for your chimney your home will fill with smoke. There are many factors to make your chimney work appropriately.  The wood you choose must be seasoned. Good hard wood which has been seasoned over time is an important factor. Another important factor is air pressure. The chimney height plays a role in the ability of the chimney to work effectively. 

chimney heights in Tullahoma TNIt’s confusing but it works – Believe it or not, physics is behind chimney height. You ask, “Why do I have to know physics to run a fireplace?”  Simple, air has weight. The pressure is the greatest at the bottom of the chimney, as there is more air above. At the top of the chimney, the air pressure is much less. This encourages air to travel up the flue. This effect balances out the difference. You should expect the smoke to go up the chimney as you light a fire.

So, What Is The Perfect Height For A Chimney?

Industry standards do not have a specific height. The best train of thought would be to follow best practices which is usually 3 feet from the highest point of the building. If your home is a two or three-story home, your chimney should end at least 3 feet above the top of the roof. As long as there aren’t any trees or other structures close by, the height should be just fine.

If your home is older, the chimney may be quite a bit taller than the ridge of your roof. Years ago builders thought that there should be a height difference from the top of your roof. 

Trouble with the height of a chimney.

A chimney can be too short as well as too tall.  The issue with a too-short chimney is airflow. When there is not enough internal pressure to send the smoke up the chimney it will come back into the home. Also, trees or other buildings or structures near or around a chimney can cause poor airflow. This interferes with the circulation around the opening of the chimney. A chimney too tall may result in hot air cooling off before it gets to the top of the chimney to escape. Thus, causing air to come back down the chimney and into the home. 

What is a homeowner to do if they have questions?

The best thing for you to do if you have concerns is to contact a qualified chimney sweep. Upon inspection, they will be able to give you a better idea and calm your concerns.

professional chimney services in Hampton Cove ALAt A-1 Chimney Specialists LLC we can help with any concerns you have regarding your chimney. Call us in Tennessee at 931-967-3959 or in Alabama at 256-285-4895 to set up an appointment. 

A-1 Chimney Specialist LLC has been providing the Tullahoma and Winchester, Tennessee areas with quality chimney care since 2000. We have the knowledge and experience to help!

We provide a variety of fireplace and chimney services. This includes but is not limited to damper repair, chimney sweeping, chimney inspections, chimney repairs and restoration, leak troubleshooting, and gas fireplace services.

We provide chimney inspections, maintenance, installation, custom chimney caps, masonry repair, flashing, and dryer vent cleaning. We serve the areas of Southern Middle Tennessee and the Tennessee Valley.