TN / 931-967-3595 • AL / 256-285-4895
Finding out your masonry chimney is experiencing water damage can be frustrating news to hear. Once chimney cracks, holes, clogs, and more have started to occur, your entire structure will break down in a hurry, forcing you to shell out hundreds in repair work and replacement parts. Fortunately, there are ways to stop harmful moisture dead in its tracks, and the team at A-1 Chimney Specialist is ready to help you out!
Water serves as one of the biggest threats to your chimney’s overall structure, and it can do all kinds of damage in a relatively short amount of time. Waterproofing provides a way to seal out excess water, ensuring it doesn’t seep into your brickwork and trigger various types of deterioration and wear and tear.
Along with this, you’ll face the freeze/thaw process, which occurs during the colder months that will soon be here. Once we get below freezing, any preabsorbed water will freeze and expand. This forces your brickwork to expand right along with it! Obviously this isn’t a good situation, but unfortunately things get worse. When temps go back up, your brickwork then settles, putting a lot of extra pressure on your structure as a whole.
As you can imagine, this whole process doesn’t do your chimney any favors, and it’s vital to do everything possible to prevent its occurrence. Waterproofing will block off any water from entering, so you can go into your burning season feeling as stress-free as possible!
So, what makes our products better than other paints and sealers? Well, any brand will highlight it’s ability to keep water out, and many do a fine job of doing just that. But what about the already absorbed moisture that is still stuck inside your brickwork and mortar? That’s where ChimneySaver goes above and beyond. It’s completely vapor-permeable, so any moisture that’s already trapped inside your system won’t get stuck and continue to cause problems.
The masonry’s porous nature also allows necessary fumes and vapors to escape from your fireplace, and some products block its ability to do this. This is a necessary step for keeping your home safer and for ensuring everything runs as efficiently as its supposed to throughout the burning season. If these gases are blocked off, you’ll face some real trouble!
This is one area where you’ll want to invest in the best team from the very start, and you won’t find any crew better than the CSIA certified sweeps at A-1 Chimney Specialist. We care about every homeowner we serve, and we’ll do everything possible to ensure you remain completely satisfied.
Once your system is waterproofed and protected, be sure to ask about scheduling your inspections, sweepings, and repairs through us, as well. Your system will be runner better and safer than ever, and you’ll gain the peace of mind you deserve. Why wait? Count on us for it all!